
The Franklin Township Housing Authority, located at 25 Parkside St, Somerset, NJ was organized in 1958 with the purpose of providing decent, safe and affordable housing for families and seniors that could not afford standard private housing.

FTHA, a small agency employing two fulltime employees, is a public body organized and operating according to laws of the state of New Jersey.  However it is neither a municipal or state government agency.  The authority functions under the supervision of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) – Division of Local Government Services. All staff serves under an Executive Director who is appointed by the Board of Commissioners and who also serves as the Board’s Secretary.  The seven member Board of Commissioners meets regularly, once per month, calling special meetings on an as-needed basis.

The FTHA serves low-income residents of Somerset, NJ through two forms of housing subsidy: public housing assistance and housing choice vouchers (formerly known as Section-8).  The Authority presently administers the following:  Housing Choice Vouchers-134, Tenant Protection Vouchers-96, Public Housing-50.


Ike Agudosi, Chair
Term: 2/08/18 - 2/08/23

Anthony Minick
Term: 2/08/2019 - 2/08/2024

Agnes Kulu-Banya
Term: 2/08/2021 - 2/08/2026


Felix Vargas
Term: 2/8/2022 - 2/8/2027

Linda Montgomery Williams
Term: 2/11/2021 - 2/8/2023

Kimberly Francois
Term: 4/12/2022 - 2/8/2025